Genre characteristics
The genre of our music video is psychology/classic rock video. We chose this because of the relationship to the lyrics, for example ‘I’m sitting in a room made up of only big white walls’, which we have took to mean a padded room or hospital room. In order to portray this we are going to use cantered angles to show the insanity of the girl in the narrative part of the video. As well as this in order to show the conventions of a classic rock video we will have several meat shots of the lead singer and shot of the band performing. We are going to use props such as guitars, drums and microphones to show the conventions of a classic rock video and will use props such as white clothes and clip boards in the narrative of the video to show the conventions of psychology.
Relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
The relationship between the lyrics and the visuals will be illustrative for the most part. An example of this would be when the song goes ‘I’m sitting in a room made up of only big white walls’ in the video the viewer will see a girl sat in a room with white walls. This relationship between the lyrics and visuals will continue throughout the video for the most part.
Relationship between music and visuals
We plan on using jump cuts as well as several other shots which we will cut to the video to the beat of the music. This will create another relationship between the music and the video. When there are a lot of fast beats we plan on cutting the video quickly and vise-versa with the slower beats.
Need to sell artist
We plan on using a lot of meat shots of the lead signer, which is a convention of a lot of music videos. This convention is used to use the lead singer to sell their song. An example of this convention being used would be in Paramore, where a large amount of shots in their videos are of lead singer, Hayley Williams used to sell more records and practically use the face of the singer as advertising as Hayley will be associated with Paramore.
We intend on making our music video more voyeuristic and entertaining to watch. Using voyeurism will attract teenage males to want to buy the song, however also teenage females will want to buy the song because of the female lead singer of a rock band, which is not a very common convention of a rock band. Due to this the target audience of our video is teenagers and young adults.
In our music video we are going to use similar make up to Paramore’s lead singer and front woman, Hayley Williams. We chose to use this intertextuality to link our video to the original artist Paramore.